Monday, 11 June 2012

Time to Reveal

The week is later and time has past… and posting the past …. is the involvement which my paintbrush has had in my creative series of paintings.

I am shortly to reveal the paintings to the World of the Internet.. and you..

I was so aware of a time which I may never have chosen to have, painting with my paintbrush this story this sequence of events… which now hangs for all to view… but the story it reveals could easily of been about anyone of you, you who could have pondered for a while, gazed at your future steps … and perhaps realised that in hindsight… the path you walked down… towards a church… was not the path which was to make you happy… IN THE END…

The series includes the poetry which is inset with the story … and reveals the connection and thought processes behind the event.

I hope you enjoy…

DSC03672A very busy studio about to loaded for the gallery…



DSC03721white light…. you will understand why…

DSC03880thought  behind my eyes………


Faces for you to ponder over and come to understand …… I hope you find the story something you can connect to…

Be  back with the rest soon …Lizziex

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