Thursday, 24 May 2012


I am waiting for an important package… a painting to be collected… it is top secret… so I can’t tell you who my commission has been for….

All I can tell you is…. I think it is a good likeness…. especially of him in his uniform…. where he has been very loyal and supportive in his role to our Tickhill inhabitants… we will have to wait and see what he thinks about it….it is a surprise.

My day has been full of contrast… and my mind and heart … are very confused at the moment… but as they say… it will all come out in the wash… cant wait for next Friday….

I have Alexander tomorrow… he is 15 months now and such a scream… he laughs and I laugh… I will probably be in his sand pit and his paddling pool all afternoon tomorrow if it stays hot as I hope it will …..


My grass and my Mia are still loving the sun… but I must go and get changed… I have my painting gear on and I am going to a Zumba class…

Image1433Painted our Zumba instructor for a commission at Christmas just gone…it to was also a surprise… it now sits in her work room.. she loved it ……she is a fantastic instructor…. we love her sense of fun and passion for Zumba….. it rubs off on all of us..when I come back from her class … it feels like we have had a shot of fun and excitement…. it makes you feel fantastic…xx

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